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3 May 2018 17:00HiQ Headquarter, 9th Floor


The 2nd CMO goes Tech event is to take place. A new network for the CMO of the future founded by Cecilia Hjertzell and Gül Heper. We believe that the modern CMO role will become broader and offer more exciting business responsibility as being the bridge between commercial and IT in addition to being a strong asset to the top management.

Feel free to invite like-minded to the network and the event. Please make sure to register for both the event as well as member on the linked group: CMO goes Tech Linkedin group

17.00 Welcome to the second CMO goes Tech -meetup. The founders of CMO goes Tech, Gül Heper and Cecilia Hjertzell, will kick off the event with some updates regarding the network.

17.05 What to expect from the future?
Pernilla Jonsson and Rebecka Cedering Ångström from Ericsson Research Consumer and IndustryLab presents the 10 most important consumer trends in 2018. 

17.30 AI TED-talk with Sana Lab’s.
Anna, CMO and part of the founding team of Sana Lab’s will talk about AI for Education - What do current and future possibilities in applying AI and deep neural networks on education look like?

Sana’s groundbreaking AI finds every single students’ unique and optimal path through a course by recommending the right question or explanation at the right time. Anna will take us through a journey where we get to know Sana Lab's unique approach, AI-technologies and algorithms, and how it is possible to empower every single student in the world through personalized learning. Democratizing education globally.

17:50 TED-talk with Amazon Web Services

When will HAL be here?
 HAL is the famous computer from the movie 2001 that could talk and reason with the help of voice interaction. Amazon Web Services delivers many products within both voice technologies and machine learning areas. Paul Ahlgren, Partner Solutions Architect at  AWS, will make an introduction how voice technologies are currently changing the way we interact with machines and along with machine learning technologies are used to help customers in decision making situations.

18.10 IoT workshop
How to get started with IoT?
Helena Forsmark, Member of the board at IoT Sverige will guide you within IoT.

18.40 Time for mingle and to get to know your network

All you need to know

We're so happy that HiQ will have us as guests for the 2nd meetup that will start at 17:00, May 3. The event will kick-off at 17.00 and finish at 19.00.

Drinks and snacks will be served.

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